Polkadot-based DAO aims make decentralized governance more accessible

2022-10-21 08:48:34

A decentralized autonomous organization is developing tools to make DAO-building more accessible as it dreams of a decentralized society. A new decentralized autonomous organization is determined to become the DAO that serves all other DAOs.

Looking at it narrowly, the goal of SubDAO Labs is to provide small to mid-size organizations with the tools they need to move beyond centralized governance models and form feature-rich, effective, and sustainable decentralized autonomous organizations.

2022-10-21 10:11:23

Polkadot is getting here the better it is to be developed because this Polkadot provides something very good for the development of coins including the DAO coin type.Polkadot is getting here the better it is to be developed because this Polkadot provides something very good for the development of coins including the DAO coin type.If I'm not mistaken this Polkadot has seriousness in the development of cross-chain coins and can be checked on the main Polkadot website.