Equilibrium & Genshiro

2022-10-21 08:45:27

I propose here to discuss everything related to these projects.Equilibrium has launched the official implementation of Curve.Fi’s automated market maker, Epsilon. Epsilon will run on Genshiro, Equilibrium’s Kusama-based canary network, and will later be integrated with Polkadot. Its development was supported by a grant from the Web3 Foundation. Bringing Curve to Kusama and Polkadot is an important technical development that effectively makes interoperability real and practical.

Curve.Fi is one of the most efficient AMMs to pair similar assets, and Epsilon makes it interoperable between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain (with more networks to come). Interoperability lets users seamlessly swap stablecoins across liquidity pools on multiple blockchains with miniscule slippage. The Equilibrium team has set up the first stablecoin pool with liquidity in DAI, USDC, USDT, BUSD, and EQD, Equilibrium’s native decentralized stablecoin.

2022-10-21 10:13:42

For the next 11 days, it will be possible to use liquidity pools from Genshiro with APR 50% In addition, liquidity providers can earn GENS tokens on top of standard interest.In general, the platform supports staking, landing, swaping, and borrowing.Reward: 1 KSM : 2 530+ GENS

Reward pool: 150m of 1.2b (12.5%)