The Future of Decentralized Trading Polkadex in DOT eco.

2022-10-21 07:58:07

Polkadex is the first project featuring an orderbookPolkadex offers two methods for bringing liquidity to the market: the Polkadot Parachain and the Snowfork Trustless Ethereum Bridge. The Polkadex parachain will only have one functionality: bridging liquidity between Polkadot and Polkadex. There will be no further features.The Polkadex Parachain allows traders to bring liquidity without entrusting their assets to a centralized service or the Polkadex Team, and the Polkadot interoperability layer protects all of their assets. based exchange in the Polkadot ecosystem.

What do you think about the future of decentralized exchanges?If you are using a decentralized exchange, what is your reason for choosing it?

2022-10-21 10:25:19

According to Chainalysis' recent study, decentralized exchanges (DEX) have increased dramatically since 2019, but the number of active exchanges – whether centralized or decentralized – has decreased within the same time period.DEXs have exploded in popularity, along with the exploding popularity of the DeFi (decentralized finance) sector as a whole.As far as i see Polkadex is the first project featuring an orderbook based exchange in the Polkadot ecosystem.As i like multi-chain solutions in current market i believe PDEX will be a lot better shape in near future.