Solana attributes major outage to denial-of-service attack targeting DEX offerin

2022-10-21 06:57:54

Solana has attributed the 17-hour outage it suffered last week to a denial-of-service attack aimed at Grape Protocol’s Sept. 14 initial DEX offering (IDO). In a Tuesday blog post, the Solana Foundation stated that bots spammed the network as Grape launched its IDO... See more for yourself 

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2022-10-21 07:31:35

If it's like this, it means that Solana is a centralized type of coin and this is very dangerous for investors who have large funds because Solana definitely believes that it can be manipulated.But it's also good for Solana coins because there was a spam robot attack on IDO Grape and the blockchain was turned off so that the theft didn't occur from the IDO.Not bad for Solana's coin to get a test like this in the cryptocurrency space.