Does the BSC Have Any Weaknesses ??

2022-10-21 04:37:05

The Binance Smart Chain is designed to be very easy and simple like operating an Ethereum coin with the erc20 blockchain type and it is really very easy to use Metamask, Truswallet and Safepal wallets.

I also definitely feel that the Binance Smart Chain opportunity in the future will be like Ethereum which is able to continue to be in the Coinmarketcap number ranking which costs up to thousands of USD for 1 coin.
But are we sure that this Binance Smart Chain has absolutely no weaknesses, if anyone knows the weaknesses of the Binance Smartchain ?
please discuss it in this thread !

2022-10-21 04:44:39

Blockchain technology is designed in such a way so as not to experience what is called hacking and do not let this blockchain be faked or this blockchain duplicated because we also believe that if there is a duplicated blockchain then it is not a blockchain.
The Binance Smart Chain blockchain is exactly the same as Ethereum and everyone knows that the strength of the Ethereum blockchain is proven to be strong and safe, so the Binance Smart Chain must also have super good strength and security and a few weaknesses.