Main Crypto tokens types

2022-10-28 07:34:06

Classification of tokens based on different perspectives:

Purpose. What is the token’s main purpose? What is it designed to do? This dimension illustrates why the people who call any token a cryptocurrency err. Tokens can certainly be intended as a cryptocurrency. But often they are meant to enable a specific network and catalyze its growth (network tokens) or merely present a way to invest in an entity or asset (investment token).

Utility. The term “utility token” has become commonplace¹ but there are various types. When looking at different tokens, you’ll find many approaches to creating utility for token owners. But on an abstract level, there are two major ways to provide utility: by giving access to network or service features (usage tokens) or by allowing token holders to actively contribute work to the system (work tokens). Some tokens do both (hybrid tokens) and some tokens don’t provide any utility at all².

Legal Status. The legal perspective is extremely relevant as of now, so it is reflected in the framework. The category’s content, however, is expected to change quite a bit in the upcoming months as it is a volatile environment and more regulation is expected to emerge. Moreover, every jurisdiction can differ. The general outline of the current state in multiple countries is that tokens which aren’t clearly a utility token — i.e. a means to access features of a network/service — or which aren’t a pure cryptocurrency can easily be classified as a security token by regulators. In some jurisdictions, such as Germany, there is some definition by regulators as to what constitutes a cryptocurrency. Several cases we found hover between two types, due to fact that current legal frameworks have been created before tokens existed and most haven’t been updated so far. (This isn’t legal advice.)

Underlying Value. Most tokens are created to have a monetary value. But the sources of their value differ considerably. Some basically work as IOUs to a real-world asset which they are tied to (asset-backed tokens). Others showcase stock-like properties as they are linked to the commercial success of the issuing entity. Those share-like tokens would be regarded as securities in most jurisdictions (actual enforcement by the regulator is a different subject). Finally, there are tokens which are tied to the value of a network, not a central entity (network value tokens). The latter might be the hardest to wrap one’s head around and the most interesting value source at the same time.

Technical Layer. Tokens can be implemented on different technical layers of blockchain-based systems: on the blockchain level as the chain’s native token (blockchain-native tokens), as part of a cryptoeconomic protocol that sits on top of the blockchain (non-native protocol tokens), or on the application level ((d)App tokens).

The different options each of the above classifications has:

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