DEIP-creator economy protocol (F-NFT/DeFi/DAO)

2022-10-20 13:02:50

Hey there,i was researching some brand new projects that working on DeFi and i find Deip,Web 3.0 domain-specific protocol for intangible assets and derivativesthe protocol enables the discovery, evaluation, licensing, and exchange of intangible assets. it is designed specifically for intangible asset tokenization (in the form of F-NFT), governance (via DAO), and liquidity (via DeFi instruments and derivatives). Also they are supported by University of oslo,that creator economy model is very newish thing,imo it could change the whole ecosystem,share ur idea's with me

2022-10-20 13:03:56
DEIP is focused on establishing the most advanced decentralized protocol for the creative economy.They strive to become a vital infrastructure for maximizing the potential of creators all around the world