The next-gen Blockchain infrastructure designed for business. Will this work?

2022-10-28 05:35:06
Blockchain has always been recognized because of its stability, trustless system, etc. and it provides assistance on the accounting, quality assurance side, etc. through its smart contracts and the technology itself for the businesses. But how come a lot of businesses are still not utilizing blockchain like how some of the big guns already are - Walmart, Visa, etc.

The blockchains that offers enterprises a real blockchain, while also using zero-knowledge technology to bring privacy to workflows that involve end-users. Existing major enterprise solutions are neither distributed (Hyperledger + Corda) nor have a focus on privacy. There is little to no progress here and these solutions are essentially just glorified databases.

Will this be enough for small businesses and big corporations to start using blockchain, and not shy away from this technology? If not, what does it take to make it happen?
2022-10-28 05:43:53

We have to remember that the blockchain technology has been with us not for many decades, in fact it is still a teenager. Give it some more time and some more focused applications and many organizations and companies can be adopting the same to make things better.