Economic Embargo and Restrictions Can Push Bitcoin To The Top?

2022-10-21 06:11:24

With the news of the impending invasion by Russia into Ukraine, the USA administration of sleepy Joe Biden has been spewing warning of big economic embargo that can befall the economy of Russia, never mind that USA is now considered as a weak giant that can have a hard time to create a coalition of similar-minded  influential countries to with it.

Economic embargo can be so difficult for any country because it can essentially mean that dealing with international commerce can be  thorny and that is why when a country is under one just like Iran or North Korea you must be creative enough to find resources and sympathetic other countries to come to your aide.

Now, if a country is under embargo, one has the option of using Bitcoin to settle obligations and payments. And I think Iran is thinking on this right now if they are not already using this option. This is one reason why Iran is relaxing its stance on Bitcoin and maybe allowing it on the country on a limited basis. Now, this can also be a big factor why Russia can be thinking of the same.

What do you think?

2022-10-21 06:12:33

Well, your assumption was indeed confirmed. Russia, which a few days earlier denied the possibility of an open military attack on Ukraine, nevertheless, on February 24, once again broke its promises and immediately invaded with the forces of eight of its armies of approximately 170,000 people with an incredible amount of armored vehicles, pursuing the goal, first of all, to scare Ukrainians and suppress the will to resist. But as a result, Putin's regime miscalculated. After more than a hundred days of a large-scale bloody war, the successes in the Russian army are rather modest, and losses in manpower alone already number about a hundred thousand people killed and wounded. About 4,850 Russian tanks and armored vehicles, 390 planes and helicopters, etc. have already been destroyed.
In Russia, they hoped to seize the entire territory of Ukraine in a few days and that in this short period the international community would not have time to properly respond to the already accomplished fact of the seizure of a neighboring state. However, they miscalculated and now Russia is the most sanctioned state. Moreover, international sanctions will only increase over time, since Putin does not abandon his intention to seize at least part of Ukraine and thereby drives his country into an economic crisis and makes it a rogue state.