Aways use 2FA when is possible

2022-10-27 10:42:49
Let's give a little example, aways if you have a chance, setup the 2FA in all websites that you use, I've got a lot of LPC coins in they bounty when that shit worth a lot and I've invested 2k USD in LPC into the Snode platform, to earn from shared Masternodes.
One day I've loged to check how things was going and then, all my LPC was gone, Someone logged into my account, stoped my shared on the shared MN, started a withdraw, and also asked to support to make it faster, and it's crazy, back in the day the platform didnt send at least one link confirmation to my email, nothing, my money just gone away, and the way that I've could avoid this was simple, I should have activated the 2FA on my account, but I didnt, so I've lost 2k USD ( 8 months of mininus sallary in my country) , Yeah was Hard, but at least this gave me a lesson, I caould lose even more.
2022-10-27 10:43:21

Never lost something just cause I really didn't put that 2FA for that matters, but I do recommend you to setup it on crypto, I mainly use games and it really doesn't matter on all my other gaming accounts. Too bad it's so easy to steal without 2FA.