Can you really make money with cryptocurrency?

2022-10-27 07:41:31

This is the most common way to make money from cryptocurrencies. As a global society we need to focus our efforts on sustainable green energy. There is already some great green energy technology out there. Solar panels, Wind farms, Water generators, Dams etc…
There are also many new green energy initiatives in development most have not heard of such as artificial photosynthesis, liquid sunlight, and 3d printed solar energy trees.

Green energy needs to be widespread and available to everyone. Through the GreenEnergyMoonCoin we will be partnering with charities and innovators to help bring green energy to more people.

To bring knowledge to the masses about cryptocurrency and DeFi and  the importance of sustainability and green energy

By partnering with many organizations and charities in the green energy space we want to help spread the use and knowledge of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the green energy and sustainability sector.

Here at Green Earth Moon we believe that crypto currency and blockchain is the most secure, simple, and trustworthy payment method in existence. Also there is a huge transfer of wealth taking place through cryptocurrency and DeFi and we want to help the "average" person to benefit from this.

Through the GreenEnergyMoonCoin they will be partnering with charities and innovators to help bring green energy to more people.

   30% of tokens burned at launch
   Fair launch on pancake swap with locked liquidity
   Rug proof Developer to relinquish all tokens to the community and purchase with everyone else
   Tax on purchase 10%(5% to liquidity, 4% to holders, 1% burn)
   Tax on sale 10% (5% to liquidity, 4% to holders, 1% burn)
   Max transaction size 1% market cap

2022-10-27 07:42:11

Sure! But for this you need to study, study the market, projects, follow the news, be able to do technical analysis, find a successful entry point, and so on. We must not forget that crypt is an asset with an increased risk.