Auditors reveal USDC backing as Jim Cramer sounds alarm over Tether's mad money

2022-10-27 07:38:09

Auditors working for Circle have disclosed the reserves backing the firm’s USDC stablecoin, while Mad Money’s Jim Cramer has questioned Tether’s lack of transparency with its USDT reserves. Multi-national tax advisory firm Grant Horton conducted the audit, and a reserve attestation report was published on July 20... See more for yourself here.

Your opinion is greatly appreciated.

2022-10-27 07:38:46
Tether does get an extraordinary touch from various media and this is really very unpleasant in my opinion because Tether gets inappropriate remarks from Jim Cramer.
Crazy Money deserves something very bad including the image and history that occurs because such slogans are very rare for stable money in the digital world.