What are the most promising NFT Solana P2E games

2022-10-27 06:54:34

As Solana grows exponentially I thought I’d have a look at the growing ecosystem around it including NFTs and more specifically NFT Play to Earn games on the Solana blockchain. The biggest games currently on Ethereum include Axie Infinity which has a fully diluted market cap of over 37 Billion USD.

Star Atlas
Discord community of 80K Members with a Fully Diluted Market Cap of $5.3 Billion USD
Star Atlas is a strategy game with space exploration and politics in-built into the game. Players pilot spaceships with the ability to battle and trade for resources. The game has two currencies $ATLAS and $POLIS, the first for in-game trading and the second for an ownership stake of the game with voting rights over game decisions. They state that they are trying to be an AAA game in the Play to Earn space which does come with risks of long delays with the game-development process.

Discord community of 70K Members with an IDO in 9 days
This is a PVP, play to earn game based on adorable little chick NFTs that can be used as avatars within the game. You can battle other players, join in on raids and bond with your Solchicks through play. There is also development of breeding, occupations and land ownership based off of the blockchain coming in the future. They are a week away from the launch of their tokens called $Chicks which based on their large community may do quite well.

2022-10-27 07:03:52

Star Atlas promises so much that it sometimes seems impossible to me. But for now they will have the best graphics, the depth of the story and the gameplay is phenomenal. I will definitely keep an eye out for it because it seems like a reference game to me. After that, the big game developers like Activision, Ubisoft etc. could also use the blockchain train.
No question about it, the future of games will be p2e.