Aotuverse||P2E gaming on Solana

2022-10-27 06:42:12

The second most popular anime franchise in China, AOTU is coming to the blockchain. As the first anime-themed game with an existing multi-million person fan base.

Compete to win the “Aotu Tournament” and achieve divinity, contestants will have the opportunity to collect exclusive NFT Characters/in-game items and take advantage of advanced play-to-earn mechanics that reward skilled gameplay.

💎 Doxxed and experienced Team with years of experience in the gaming/blockchain industry
💎 Fully-playable game in China **(Coming soon on Google Play/Apple Store) **
💎 Our game has over 2 years of operation, 15 million+ downloads, and 140,000+ daily active users
💎 #1 Anime IP in Blockchain gaming with 30M+ fans worldwide

Coming soon to Solana with a collection size of 1888 NFTs at 2.5 Sol each. Minting on july 26th

2022-10-27 06:50:11

The graphics of the game are generally successful, but I probably wouldn't prefer it because it's an RPG. I'm more into strategy games these days. I don't have time for RPG games. Maybe I'll try the game later. For now I just added it to my list because as I said before, I found its graphics to be successful.