The Number of Euro-Pegged Stablecoins Has Swelled 1,683% Since 2020

2022-10-27 06:24:33

While the stablecoin economy is worth roughly $153 billion today, euro-backed stablecoin issuance has increased 1,683% from $31.9 million worth of euro-based tokens on January 3, 2020, to today’s $569 million. Since November 2021, the number of euro stablecoins swelled by 85.34%... See more for yourself here.

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2022-10-27 06:25:11
The fact that the issuance of euro-backed stablecoins increased by 1683% indicates two positive things. The first is the general growth of stablecoins in recent times and the increase in demand for them, and the second is evidence of the strengthening of the euro in the world. In general, these are very positive trends, which also mean an increase in the popularity of cryptocurrency.