Government Exchanges

2022-10-27 05:52:02

If the government still doesn't know how to put down all cryptocurrencies(or maybe they're still figuring how to tax users), why wouldn't they create an exchange and get some profit from it?

We know how B.S some exchanges are, they needed KYC but in the end, you won't be able to withdraw your funds.

Instead of spreading FUD, I hope government from all over the world knows that running an exchange can add funds for their country, and their pockets! Grin

I know it will be making cryptos centralized but look at those exchanges asking for our pretty faces and names just for their KYC/AML purposes.

2022-10-27 05:52:45
It will be an added cost for them if they do that and they may not have the manpower to do so. It is more convenient to them if they just regulate exchanges