What do you think about TRX (TRON)?

2022-10-26 12:03:47

All you know, TRX has started and completed its own mainnet transition. The TRX price affected from last Bitcoin movements and hit really big damage. Justin says he will be making progress by constantly tweeting. What are you thinking? Is there any chance that the TRX will come to good places in the future?

2022-10-26 12:04:31
I think Tron has good potential in the future to be more successfull because many good progress of Tron which are
BitBay (bitbay.net):
100 Top Traders contest with total price of 400 000 TRX is live on BitBay  https://bitbay.net/en/release/tron-decentralize-the-web

“Overview of TRON’s crypto currency by Rambler.com” @Tronfoundation https://medium.com/@Tronfoundation/overview-of-trons-crypto-currency-by-rambler-com-9e7af8795325

Here is the desktop wallet for Tron, make sure you read carefully before use it, because i heard plenty of times that users suddenly lost tron or got "hacked" using various wallet apps and usually they just used the wrong private key or did something else wrong. The TronWatch wallet is perfectly fine. They had some issues recently with some transactions not showing up but that has been resolved.