[New Year's BOUNTY] 🍀 FRX Token 🍀 CEX Listing 🏆 1.25 Million FRX (~112k USD)

2022-10-26 08:58:52

[New Year's BOUNTY] 🍀 FRX Token 🍀 CEX Listing 🏆 1.25 Million FRX (~112k USD) 

2022-10-26 09:04:15

1. FRX Bounty is back to celebrate the upcoming major CEX listing of FRX token on early Jan 2022 🏆, and this holiday chapter will be as per usual managed by @pakhitheboss

2. Listing price of FRX is confirmed as 0.09 USD, so the final round of the Presale with bonus rates up to 300% presents a tremendous opportunity until the remainder of the Soft Cap is allocated.

3. Please note that the bounty tokens will be distributed after the exchange listing in January, so calculate your due diligence accordingly. 

4. 1,250,000 FRX tokens (worth ~112.5k USD) are to be divided according to the stakes accumulated amongst selected participants.