🧞💜[BOUNTY ALADDIN]🔴Art of War ($AOW) is traded 🔴🤑Binance AOW Gamification🔥

2022-10-26 07:46:10

🧞💜[BOUNTY ALADDIN]🔴Art of War ($AOW) is traded 🔴🤑Binance AOW Gamification🔥

2022-10-26 07:51:37

Art of War is not just another cryptocurrency project with speculative aid. Art of War is a next generation, multi layered gaming ecosystem that can unite their participants and different communities towards a common goal.

● Bounty Campaign Round 1 Dates: November 22 - December 19 lasts for 4 weeks.
● Tokens will be distributed to participants within 3 month after the end of the Bounty Campaign.
● Tokens will be distributed to participants for 3 months after the end of the Bounty Campaign to the $AOW address on 

● You will receive stakes for performing certain actions, after the end of the bounty campaign, the stakes will be converted into tokens, according to the formula (total number of tokens/total number of stakes)*number of your stakes.
● Please read the terms and conditions carefully. For non-compliance, even minor, you will not receive stakes or will be excluded from the bounty program.
● Use of multi-accounts, spam, bots and other is strictly forbidden, all attempts will be banned.
● Bounty managers reserve the right to change the conditions of the bounty campaign. Follow all updates in this thread and Telegram chats: