🧞💜 [BOUNTY ALADDIN] 🔴 FCF 🔴 120 000 000 FCF Pool🤑 Escrow 🔥

2022-10-26 07:46:02

🧞💜 [BOUNTY ALADDIN] 🔴 FCF 🔴 120 000 000 FCF Pool🤑 Escrow 🔥 

2022-10-26 07:51:06

$FCF is creating a crypto payment gateway for e-commerces. Allowing merchant to accept any cryptocurrency or FIAT in exchange of their product/services. The payment gateway will function like Paypal and will give the option of purchasing crypto on it. Retailers are going to be able to use crypto as a payment method (encrypted online shopping). All the fees collected from the transactions are going to be sent into the liquidity pool (increasing FCF base price) and the dividend pool (Rewarding holders with BNB)

● You will receive stakes for performing certain actions, after the end of the bounty campaign, the stakes will be converted into tokens, according to the formula (total number of tokens/total number of stakes)*number of your stakes.
● Please read the terms and conditions carefully. For non-compliance, even minor, you will not receive stakes or will be excluded from the bounty program.
● Use of multi-accounts, spam, bots and other is strictly forbidden, all attempts will be banned.