EOS First, Bitcoin Dropped to 17th Place

2022-10-21 12:53:46

EOS, which was not included on the original list, tops the second list overall. Ethereum, which ranked number one last month, has now been bumped to second place. Bitcoin has dropped from 13th place to 17th place. Bitcoin Cash fell slightly from 25th place to 28th place.

The EOS main network went live on June 10. Although there was an accident such as a short-term suspension, it was highly active in technological innovation, and the software update speed was still one of the new generation public chains that are currently most concerned by the industry, the CCID explained. However, due to its short on-line time, the stability of the network remains to be observed.

The center elaborated:

The results showed that the evaluation index of EOS…was 161.5, ranking first in the evaluation index list. Ethereum, the first player in the previous period, took the second place with a combined score of 138.4…Bitcoin’s public chain technology assessment index is 91.5, ranking 17th.

Two days after the Chinese index was released, the EOS Core Arbitration Forum issued its first censorship order, demanding its miners to refuse to process transactions of any kind for the affected EOS account names and/or public keys, pending further review of the claims by an arbitrator.

2022-10-21 12:54:54

Many people said that EOS is third generation of blockchain, we know that the first of generation blockchain is bitcoin and second generation of blockchain is ethereum, EOS gives promise to be more better generation of blockchain than bitcoin and ethereum.