Polinate - next generation crowdfunding platform going to based upon MATIC

2022-10-21 12:01:09
Hey,i heard Polinate is about to launch on Polygon ecosystem so i'd like to introduce first :) Polinate is a permissionless crowdfunding platform for discovering, launching, and empowering creatives throughout the world. By linking creative projects, investors, fans, and patrons, Polinate provide creators with a chance to get financed. They're putting the foundations in place for a new global creative economy. It makes no difference where you're from, your social position, or whether you're banking or not.
Actually it seems like they have great potential also i like their strategy on partnership's. They already have a huge partner's.(Dafi-Lokr-TerraVirtua-AllianceBlock) Great project on great blockchain ecosystems,there's no doubt how it helps MATIC for being much more popular.
2022-10-21 12:10:11

You made my day mate. Im supporting Polinate and holding a large portion of $Poli,finally someone seek's the project and it would helps for popularity..  They are so active community also they are always organised contest's that help artists and creator's to join the hive. After Polygon launch,that project will be in a better shape for sure.
-a little bee in the hive-