No full name for Eos Abbreviation

2022-10-21 11:36:23

Eos abbreviation has no full form and its founder also decided not to explain why there is no full name. As a result, the crypto community made its own interpretation regarding the full name of Eos which includes ethereum operating system and Eos operating system among others.   

2022-10-21 11:37:24

Ethereum Operating System: It seems like this is a bit of a collision with the EOS platform because EOS is now standing in its own way.
But maybe this abbreviation can be said to be true because in the past EOS had hitched a ride on the Ethereum network.
And now it might dedicate to be an Operating System for Ethereum.

Eos Operating System: You can say that this agrees because now EOS is independent and it is certain that this will be a better abbreviation of EOS than the first one above.