What is Defi? Detailed discussion about defi.

2022-10-21 11:27:01

There is something valuable about defi. The information will increase the scope of knowledge. defi is an acronym for "Decentralized Finance". A term for various financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain to disrupt financial intermediaries. The defi digital currency draws inspiration from the technology blockchain behind Bitcoin, which allows several entities to keep copies of transactions. Which means it is not controlled by any single, central medium. This is important because centralized systems and people can limit the speed and sophistication of transactions while offering less control over their money. Defi is unique because it extends the use of blockchain from simple complex transfers to more complex financial uses. Discuss your opinion.

2022-10-21 11:43:04
DeFi is definitely the future of finance, in the growth of financial literacy, more and more people want to manage their assets, to invest and increase them, for such people must have new ways to interact with the industry, as the traditional too many barriers and unnecessary intermediaries. The current hype will go down, many DeFi projects will be dumped or devalued, but technology will stay and continue to evolve because there is real value behind it.