Your Opinion about El Salvador Bitcoin adoption

2022-10-21 10:32:14

Let us talk about the recent Bitcoin adoption of El Salvador. What is your thoughts about the action taken by President Nayib Bukele? Do you like it or not ? Why?

2022-10-21 10:37:57

right, at least what is being done is a good breakthrough because by using bitcoin it is clear with the aim of being able to lift the country's economy. because so many people understand bitcoin, they can also look for additions to all transactions in crypto in general.

as head of state he clearly understands that by recognizing bitcoin as one of the legitimate currencies, it also makes it easier for the people to carry out transactions that may have been done so far in the old way which is full of bureaucracy, but with bitcoin it becomes easier because it can be done anytime and every moment. live now of course regulate regulations so that no abuse occurs against bitcoin.