When parachain Auction will be start?

2022-10-21 09:10:23

The most wanted topic is parachain in Polkadot ecosystem but no one know exactly when it will be live. But yesterday polkadot tweet a post from their official Twitter account. They’re given a 2 conditions to launch parachain auction, and one is....

1- A full external audit is completed.
Another one is...
2-  @kusamanetwork executes at least one successful auction involving crowdloans and hosting at least one functional parachain.

2022-10-21 09:42:05

Dear what is the parachain auction. I am new here please explain

2022-10-21 10:27:28

It is now very difficult to say which coin will win the parachain auction of Binance Exchange. However, if you win your coins, you will be able to make a good profit.