NFT FEST AUS - Melbourne VIC, Australia
NFT FEST AUS - Melbourne VIC, Australia

NFT FEST AUS - Melbourne VIC, Australia

23 Nov 12:00 AM to 24 Nov 12:00 AM
Public Event
Hosted By david20
We are a pre-eminent NFT event founded in Australia in 2021. We showcase the biggest names locally and globally, representing all areas that NFTs cut across. From the artists, projects, platforms and brands, to the lawyers, accountants and regulators, NFT Fest provides a platform that encourages everyone to have a voice. Our inaugural event in September 2021 was a smashing success with over 3,500+ registrations, 50 speakers across the globe and 9hrs of wall-to-wall content. In March 2022, NFT Fest joined forces with Blockchain Australia to deliver the NFT Day at Marvel Stadium in Melbourne as part of the week-long Australian Blockchain Week. As a hybrid IRL/online event, we curated a list of 70 speakers across two streams with 24 total sessions

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