Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Congress 2022 - Barcelona, Spain
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Congress 2022 - Barcelona, Spain

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Congress 2022 - Barcelona, Spain

16 Nov 12:00 AM to 18 Nov 12:00 AM
Public Event
Hosted By david20
The inaugural Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Congress (B2C' 2022) aims to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, engineers, and students from both the industry and the academia to present their latest research findings, advances and innovations on blockchain technologies as well as to helps decision-makers, technologists, and developers understand the value of blockchain to their businesses regardless of industry. It will feature keynotes, tutorials, peer-reviewed technical paper presentations, posters, demos and exhibitions from world-leading companies, startups, solution vendors, research institutes, open-source projects, and academia. The congress will be also the forum for exchange of the latest innovation results, regulations, policies, standards, and applications in this exciting and challenging area.

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