Life as an EventProfs can be tough – you’re on the go 24/7, crossing timezones, multitasking and meeting deadlines.

What you need is a helping hand, a few little shortcuts to simplify your day, otherwise known as ‘lifehacks’.

To that end, Eventbrite has compiled a list of the 15 most useful lifehacks that every event professional should know. Read now, thank us later.

  1. Banish a pimple

Yikes is that a spot or a second head?! You’ve woken up on the day of your event with a huge pimple on your face and you’ve got nowhere to hide. Don’t panic; simply reach for some mouthwash. Dabbing an alcohol-based mouthwash, such as Listerine, on the spot will help to shrink it in minutes, plus you’ll smell minty fresh!

  1. Avoid creases

You don’t want to turn up at your meeting looking like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. This simple trick will keep your suit wrinkle free when travelling: fold it with tissue paper and then place it in a plastic sleeve (like you get from the drycleaners) to keep it protected.

  1. Ditch jetlag

You’ve just touched down in Hong Kong. It’s 10am and you have a busy day of meetings ahead of you, but you feel like its 3am – what can you do? The trick is to go hungry on the plane. We can reset our circadian rhythm by fasting for 12 hours and then eating again. Your body will consider this your new ‘morning’.

Related: 8 Must-have travel apps for event planners

  1. Fix a temperamental credit card

Disaster! You’re entertaining clients and your company credit card won’t work. Don’t let it becoming an embarrassing situation, just ask for some clear Sellotape and stick it over the magnetic strip. This should enable the machine to read it.

  1. Treat a migraine

Not enough sleep, stress and travel can all trigger a headache. If you’re struck down with a migraine when you can’t take any time out and painkillers don’t seem to be working, try a glass of grape juice. Grapes are high in vitamins C and A as well as B2 and other antioxidants, which help to balance iron levels and improve liver function, often banishing migraines.

  1. Cure a sore throat

Battling a sore throat and need to give a presentation? This natural remedy can help you to feel better in a matter of minutes. Just mix together 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a dash of cinnamon in some hot water and drink.

Related: 5 Tips for reducing stress before an event

  1. Freshen your clothes

An event organiser’s wardrobe needs to work hard. If you need to wear a shirt or dress twice on a trip and don’t have time to get it washed, try hanging it in the bathroom when you take a shower. The steam will freshen the fabric and cause creases to drop out.

  1. Go handsfree

Stuck on a train or plane and want to read or watch something on your phone? Turn your sunglasses upside down to become a handy phone stand. Alternatively, bring your device up to eye level by placing it in a clear ziplock bag and securing it to the seat in front by placing the top portion of the bag under the closed tray table.

  1. Keep hold of business cards

Keeping track of business cards when you’re on the go can be difficult. To make sure you never lose any important contact details, take a photo of the card on your phone.

Related: 5 Tips to improve your productivity in 2015

  1. Smell fresh as a daisy

When travelling, prevent your clean clothes picking up smells from your dirty laundry by putting a bar of scented soap in the same compartment of your suitcase as your washing.

  1. Get to sleep

If you have a busy day ahead of you but are struggling to get to sleep, call down to room service and have them bring up a mug of warm milk. The sedative effect of drinking milk before bed is more than just an old wives’ tale. Psychologically it reminds us of the comfort of being fed as a baby and can be just what’s needed to help us relax and send us off to the Land of Nod.

  1. Wake up on time

Heavy sleeper? Worried about waking up in time for that important meeting? Put your smartphone in an empty glass to create a makeshift alarm amplifier.

Related: How to get a better night’s sleep before your big event

  1. Charge your phone

Next time you’re travelling abroad and need to charge your phone but realise you’ve forgotten an adapter plug, take a look at the TV in your hotel room. Most modern televisions have a USB point that you can use to charge your device.

  1. Organise your wires

Multitaskers have multiple devices. Keep all your cables, leads and headphones tidy and prevent them from becoming tangled by storing them in a pencil case or sunglasses case, before putting them in your suitcase.

  1. Look like you’ve stepped out of a salon

Ladies, do you want to look good for your event, but only have minutes to get ready? You can give your hair a beautiful wave by dividing it into 6 plaits and then going over them with hair straighteners. The heat will set the style. Simply take out the plaits and shake out your hair. Hey presto, natural looking curls!

Related: 10 Tools to make you a more efficient event planner


These tips and tricks may be small, but together they can help you cope with all the day has to throw at you – bring it on!

What are your can’t-live-without lifehacks? Please add them to our list!