Pontem Wallet and LiquidSwap DEX are live now on @AptosFoundation mainnet and they have announced that Tokenomics, audit and emissions schedule is coming soon, and it has been hinted that there will be a $PONT Token Airdrop.

About Pontem Network

Pontem Network is a decentralized application (ÐApp) framework built on Polkadot that connects public blockchains like Ethereum to Facebook’s permissioned (private) Diem Blockchain project. Pontem aims to support additional protocols in the future to bridge crypto with Facebook’s 2.8 billion users.

Pontem Wallet is your gateway to the Aptos ecosystem ($APT), a Layer-1 blockchain that can process up to 160,000 transactions per second with a time of less than 1 second. Thanks to the use of the Move language and Move Virtual Machine, it is also far safer than most L1 blockchains. 

Pontem is backed by the Web3 Foundation grants program and by the Swiss-based Wings Foundation.

How to join the Pontem Network Airdrop?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Pontem Network banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Pontem Network Airdrop''

  1. Visit the Pontem Network website.
  2. Add the Pontem Wallet to your Browser & Confirm your Seed phrase.
  3. Head to the Liquidswap DEX & Connect your Pontem wallet.
  4. Use LiquidSwap Bridge to transfer an asset across blockchains & Other products like Swapping, Adding Liquidity, and Creating a Pool. You’ll need some $APT coins to pay for gas. 
  5. Follow @PontemNetwork on Twitter & Join the community on Discord & Telegram for further information. 
  6. Complete the LiquidSwap Feedback Form for a chance to win a 10$ reward. (Optional)

▪️ Please, note that there is no guarantee that they will Airdrop $PONT tokens. It's just high-probability speculation based on a hint only. Good Luck!


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When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!