You love spirulina's nutritional benefits. But the powdered version sure tastes swampy. Improve the flavor—and nutrition—with this superfood grower.

Grow your own spirulina at home with this sustainable superfood garden
Bloom growing spirulina

Enjoy the full nutritional benefits of spirulina when you have the Bloom smart superfood grower. This sustainable superfood garden lets you grow the popular micro-algae right on your countertop. That way, you get improved taste, maximum nutrition, and overall control over the growing environment.

You practice self-care and follow a healthy diet. So spirulina features in your smoothies pretty often. And, while you love that it’s packed with nutrients, you might not always be so crazy about the flavor.

Also, you might be concerned that you’re never really sure how it was grown. But the Bloom smart superfood grower changes those things. Let’s take a closer look at it.

Bloom with plants

Meet an ancient superfood: spirulina

You probably know what spirulina is. But, if you need to refresh your memory, here’s the rundown. Spirulina was used as a food by the Aztecs in Mexico and the Kanembu tribes in Africa.

Today, it’s a popular health food supplement since research suggests that it can improve your gut health, lower cholesterol, and boost metabolism—among many other benefits. So it’s easy to see why so many people want to add it to their diet.

Bloom in a video

Get spirulina’s full nutritional profile

According to the company, powdered spirulina loses up to 50% of its nutritional value. That’s disappointing, especially since this blue-green algae is a true superfood.

But, the company states that when you grow spirulina at home, it keeps 100% of its nutritional profile. Yes, all the antioxidants, beta-carotene, protein, iron, and more stay intact from the time you remove it from the superfood garden until you mix it into your oatmeal.

Grow your own spirulina at home with this sustainable superfood garden Bloom close up

Enjoy a better flavor

When you add spirulina powder to your soup, there’s no question about it—you’re eating algae. Powdered spirulina can add distinctive taste, and it’s not one that everyone finds pleasant.

Fresh spirulina from Bloom, on the other hand, doesn’t have that pond water flavor. So you can add it to popsicles, pancakes, grain bowls, and many other foods without a noticeable difference.

Bloom Home Grown Smart Superfood Spirulina Maker Bloom connection wire

Choose a greener food source

What’s more, when you go for fresh, homemade spirulina versus the powder, you cut down on transport emissions. The company estimates that its superfood garden results in a 70% reduction of these emissions.

Control your growing environment

Meanwhile, according to Bloom’s creators, spirulina powder often comes from unregulated ponds in other countries. That’s an unsettling thought. No one wants to add toxins instead of nutrients to their power bars.

With your own superfood garden on your kitchen counter, however, you control the growing environment. Just add your preferred water and a nutrient tablet to the device to start growing your own superfood. In five days, you can harvest two 5-gram servings of spirulina and up to 14 servings a month.

Enjoy an effortless growing experience

Unlike your herb garden, growing spirulina is easy. The creators liken it to brewing a cup of coffee. All you have to do is add water, a nutrient tablet, and a bit of fresh spirulina to the vessels. Then, in just minutes, the algae start growing on their own—with no effort on your part.

Go for a compact design

Sadly, many health food gadgets tend to take up a lot of counter space. Bloom, however, has a small footprint. Compared to your toaster, microwave, and kettle, Bloom probably has the smallest form factor.

Select a superfood grower that’s silent and easy to clean

And, unlike your coffee maker, this superfood garden is nearly silent, producing fewer than 35 decibels. That’s quieter than a refrigerator. Also, the device consumes only 25 watts of power on average.

Plus, the cleanup is a breeze. That’s thanks to the food-grade BPA polypropylene vessels, which are dishwasher safe and can stand up to years of use.

Have everything you need to grow spirulina

The nutrient tablets have everything you need to DIY your superfood algae. The recipe creates the ideal pH, giving the spirulina the necessary compounds to synthesize their nutrients and grow over the next five days.

Use the app to track the growing process

Bloom’s tech detects and notifies you when the spirulina is ready for harvest, either by app or by the LEDs on each vessel. The app also lets you explore recipes for cooking with spirulina.

Bloom is one cool kitchen gadget. It’s easy to use, it preserves spirulina’s ample nutrients, and its fresh algae doesn’t have an unpleasant taste. Make your smoothies and breakfast bowls healthier with fresh spirulina.

Preorder the Bloom smart superfood grower on Indiegogo for about $203. Have you ever tried growing your own spirulina? How did it work out for you? Let us know in the comments.