
With more than 4,500 cryptocurrencies in circulation, there are bound to be many that are functionally dead. This presents many challenges for cryptocurrency markets, as well as for the users of those currencies. Those users have their money locked in a network that doesn’t allow them to transact, or a currency that is not tradeable. Cryptocurrency markets on the other hand, suffer from dilution of resources and reputational issues due to the sheer number of unusable coins. CoinJanitor aims to solve these problems by unlocking trapped value in these projects and at the same time create the much-needed public discussion of how best to recycle value from failed projects in the future. CoinJanitor will achieve this by taking over failed projects. To do this we will exchange CoinJanitor tokens (JAN) for the delisted coins that users hold. We will then proceed to burn those tokens and coins that we acquire. Through this mechanism, value will be restored to individual users who can sell or trade their CoinJanitor tokens, and to the community at large by the recycling of codebases and project assets back into the community. By reducing resource dilution in the market CoinJanitor will contribute to the network effect of functional coins, more effectively leverage fragmented communities and implement a mechanism for the recycling of spent resources back into future projects. As a result, CoinJanitor will also benefit from network effect and create a highly engaged, loyal community of coin holders working towards the improvement of utility and value in the crypto economy.


Technical Info


Failed coins are profiled and a buy-out program is set up so that the coins creators turn over access to GitHub, other code repositories and all marketing assets. CoinJanitor burns the coins it bought and underlying blockchains are disabled. Relevant code repositories are organized and turned into an open-source blockchain library available to any community member for future developments and academic purposes. CoinJanitor compiles relevant data that is otherwise missing.


CoinJanitor Roadmap

  • Q3 2017 - Criteria and methodology development and initial coin research.
  • Q4 2017 - Development of proprietary profiling systems.
  • Q1 2018 - Identification of preliminary candidate coins.
  • Feb 2018 - ICO announcement
  • 2 April 2018 - ICOopens.
  • 2 May 2018 - ICO ends
  • Q2 2018 - First token swaps.
  • Q3 2018 - Release of API into CoinJanitor market data.
  • Q4 2018 - First state of the market report on all coins.
  • Q1 2019 - CoinJanitor phase 2 TBA


Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency
Company Details
Registered Country