It's time to prioritize your well-being with an abundance of at-home, office, and on-the-go tech gadgets that can completely transform your fitness, mood, and life. Let healthier habits commence with our gadgets in today's article.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity
The best health gadgets for a productivity boost

Everyone wants to be a healthier, happier version of themselves. And while you can adjust your workout routine and eating habits to do so, the 10 health tech gadgets in today’s Daily Digest can further help encourage you to make healthier choices.

Related: CLMBR Pure smart workout machine helps you burn more calories than running

Our selection is portable, smart, and versatile to make being in good health possible for everyone. We included a self-heating belt that provides immediate relief from back pain and muscle soreness. There’s also a useful accessory that reminds you to stand up and move around if you’ve been sitting for too long. And if you want to increase your lung capacity to run farther and sleep better, there’s a gadget for that, too. Discover a myriad of health-related tech below.

1. Producing heat towards target areas, the Magnebelt self-heating therapy belt provides immediate and lasting relief from back pain, sciatica, soreness, and more.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Magnebelt underneath a top

Kiss back pain and discomfort goodbye when you have the Magnebelt self-heating therapy belt. This is one of our favorite health tech gadgets because it provides immediate relief. But it’s not just for those in pain; this belt can also improve your posture, increase blood circulation, and promote metabolism.

Order this therapy belt for a discounted price of $29.99.

2. The WHOOP Strap 3.0 activity tracker wearable is like having a personal health and fitness coach. This health wearable helps with sleep, muscle recovery, and more.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity WHOOP Strap 3.0 on a wrist

With the WHOOP Strap 3.0 activity tracker wearable, you’ll encounter a reduced resting heart rate, improved sleep, fewer injuries, less alcohol consumption, and more. How? This smart activity tracker tracks your health throughout the day and night and provides personalized feedback for you to make improvements.

Purchase this activity tracker for $30.

3. Develop healthier habits while you’re sitting at a desk with the Getupp Assist movement reminder. This health tech gadget reminds you to get up and move.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Getupp Assist attached to a desk

If you work at a desk every day, the Getupp Assist movement reminder is a must-have for breaking sedentary habits. This useful gadget vibrates every so often to remind you to get up and move around. Best of all, its built-in indicators light up blue once you reach your standing goal. Overall, you’ll return to your desk feeling more revived and productive.

Preorder this health gadget from Kickstarter for a limited price of $62.57.

4. Lower stress and anxiety throughout the day with the Fidget Textured Sensory Strips. They make fidgeting more gratifying.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Fidget Textured Sensory Strips attached to phones

Incorporate the Fidget Textured Sensory Strips into your workplace or home life to keep stress at a minimum. These strips attach to various devices—such as your laptop, smartphone, or desk—to keep them nearby whenever you need a moment to yourself.

Order the Fidget Strips for $9.99.

5. Increase your lung capacity and develop stronger muscle resistance with the Airofit PRO smart breath training system. This health gadget comes with a Virtual Breathing Coach.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Airofit PRO in use

If you’re an athlete, fitness beginner, or simply want to focus on improving your health, the Airofit PRO smart breath training system is a wise investment. This health device does more than increase your lung capacity; it can boost your energy levels and even provide a better night’s sleep.

Treat yourself to this breath training system for $379.00.

6. Add minerals and nutrients with the Vitapod in-home drink system. This family-friendly health gadget is great for everyday use.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Vitapod Machine in a kitchen

When you have the Vitapod in-home drink system, you’ll use it every day for the entire family. All you have to do is place your nutrient pod into the machine, and it’ll blend the ingredients with filtered water. Best of all, each pod is packed with minerals and antioxidants for a healthy drink. And, with fruity flavors, you’ll enjoy the taste, too.

Purchase this in-home drink system for $199.99.

7. Relieve headaches, chronic pain, tension, and anxiety with the WTHN Acupressure Mat. Its gentle stimulators provide deep relaxation in targeted areas.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity WTHN Acupressure Mat on the floor

When you need a time out and everything becomes a little too much, the WTHN Acupressure Mat is there for you. This health tech gadget has raised nibs provide better circulation, headache relief, more restful sleep, and even reduced stress. Portable and lightweight, you can take it everywhere.

Order this health accessory for $65.

8. Another health accessory to buy is the VOY Glasses Cadore 2nd-gen tunable eyewear. Work, drive, read, and more with these glasses.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity VOY Glasses Cadore on a man

Designed for everyday use, the VOY Glasses Cadore 2nd-gen tunable eyewear automatically adapts to your eyes. So you don’t need to swap glasses for different tasks. Thanks to a built-in wheel on each side, you can increase or decrease the strength based on your eyes. This also means that you don’t have to purchase new eyewear as often.

Preorder this eyewear from Indiegogo for $109.

9. Fix your posture with the ERGO Posture Pro powerful posture support. It supports your mid-back vertebrae to relieve tension and help you stand straight.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity ERGO Posture Pro on a person

Use the ERGO Posture Pro powerful posture support daily to strengthen your posture. It also boasts other health benefits such as improving breathing and digestion, correcting spinal alignment, improving hormonal function, and even increasing energy and focus.

Purchase this posture support for $149.

10. Use the Therabody PowerDot 2.0 smart muscle stimulator to instantly relieve pain and improve wellness. It’s a health gadget for fitness enthusiasts.

Must-have health tech gadgets to boost your overall productivity Therabody PowerDot 2.0 on someone’s legs

The final item on our list of health tech gadgets is the Therabody PowerDot 2.0 smart muscle stimulator. This safe-to-use product enhances strength, improves performance, and acts as a natural pain reliever following intense workouts or self-care.

Order the PowerDot 2.0 Duo for $349.

Overall, these health tech gadgets easily adapt to your daily life, so you can take them on the go and incorporate them into your everyday routine. What are your go-to health accessories? Share your favorites in the comments.

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