Event apps have revolutionized the events industry and have become a must-have for event professionals across the globe. In addition to engaging and empowering attendees, these apps support event organizers in learning from the event and improving using real-time data and reports. 

Until recently,  mobile event apps were used to create an engaging and worthwhile event experience for attendees. The process to set-up a mobile event app was time-consuming, costly, and complicated. The total cost of ownership per platform was also debilitating event organizers depending on the complexity of the app.

Since the last few years, web-based event apps have become more prevalent than mobile event apps. Having a web-based event app is a smart way to combine the functionality of a mobile app with the accessibility of a website. 

The program runs as a standalone application within a web browser. Even in areas with low connectivity, the web-based event app can load instantly. The app keeps itself up-to-date by using pre-caching to display the latest information whenever it is launched.

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What Are Event Apps?

Event apps – whether web, native or hybrid – help event organizers share important event information (e.g. schedule, speakers, location, social media feeds) and features, such as networking, onto mobile devices. 

You can customize the app to suit your event perfectly. The app can include elements such as your event logo and fonts to give it a native feel. 

Ultimately, event apps are intended to improve the attendee experience, thereby increasing revenue and improving event outcomes for event hosts.

Why Event Apps are dead?

A mobile event app was originally a digital version of an event’s agenda. There is so many other aspects to it today. Besides networking features, event apps now include advertising, audience response, polling, and even analytics and reporting options as well.

In today’s fast paced world, nobody wants to download an extra app for every event they attend. Web-based event apps can be easily controlled via a smartphone, tablet, or laptop browser. Mobile apps are optimized for mobile devices accessed on iPhones, Androids, or other platforms. 

This is a definite advantage since many users don’t want a large event app (e.g. a trade fair app) to take up too much memory space and then be deleted after the event. 

Advantages of Web-based Event Apps Over Mobile Apps

Here’s a closer look at why mobile events are dead and web-based event apps are the best alternative .

No Installation Required

Visitors’ smartphones already have many apps, and many are somewhat tired of installing another one every time they need one. It’s much easier to open a URL to a web app than to install an app for an event that is only used for a day. 

You don’t have to download several megabytes of data that the user will probably uninstall after a short time. If you offer native apps in the app store, you can lose many users who would rather not perform another installation process.

Flexible Marketing + Social Media

Users need to be able to access the event app directly. For this reason, web apps are ideal for marketing an event and promoting it on social media. 

Users can immediately open a link and get all the necessary information if you post a link. Mobile event apps can only link to the App Store or Play Store. The app only provides information if you are willing to install it.

A QR code on a poster that links to the event app is also an innovative marketing channel that is only available as a web app. You have a much wider range of options and are more flexible from a marketing perspective.

One Application for All Smartphone Operating Systems

All platforms support web apps. Any modern browser can be used to access a web-based event app – whether it is on Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, or Blackberry.

Lower Costs With the Same Functions

Mobile event apps require multiple applications to appeal to as many users as possible. One for the Google Play Store for Android and one for the App Store for iPhone. You would also need an app for Windows Mobile and Blackberry to reach all users. 

Since only one app is needed for all smartphone platforms, creating web-based event apps is much more cost-effective. The functional capabilities of web-based event apps are similar to native apps from app stores, so you can improve the user experience without compromising performance.

Instantly Operational — No Waiting Around

A web-based event app created with FLOOR can be deployed immediately. It is necessary to submit event apps for review before they can be posted to the Apple App Store or Google Play store for users to install. It may take several days or weeks to check the app for functionality and content.

An app submission can also be rejected if certain content does not comply with the guidelines of the respective app store. You can use a web app directly within minutes, saving yourself time and effort.

Drive More Engagement With Web-Based Event App By FLOOR

FLOOR, a multi award-winning virtual and hybrid event platform, offers a web-based solution, designed and developed for diverse devices, independent of the operating system.  

With FLOOR, you can offer your attendees a personalized experience with real-time event information, networking, engagement and navigation at their fingertips with web-based event app for pre, during and post-event engagements. 

Key Features Offered By FLOOR (Web-Based Event Application)

Event planners can now boost participation, monetize events, and drive results like never before with a web-based app super-powered for audience engagement.

Consider the following features offered by FLOOR to explore the potential of web-based event apps:

Event Feed

Live feeds are a key feature of web-based event apps that “broadcast” the event’s events to attendees. The feed usually appears on the event app’s home screen. It displays content from event hosts, speakers, and event attendees. You can think of it as your own personal Twitter account!

Attendees can keep up to date with what’s happening with feeds. Additionally, it encourages them to contribute to conversations and upload their event content (which can be used in future marketing efforts).

Flexible, Hybrid-Ready Platform

Using FLOOR, you can set up simultaneous or asynchronous live and virtual sessions and easily create shared experiences.

No matter where your attendees join, they can seamlessly interact with your content. With a browser-agnostic approach, your attendees have nothing to download, making access easier for them and increasing audience adoption.

Social Media Integrations

Do you want the world to know about your event? Having social media integrations in an event app makes it easier. You can share the content of your web-based event app on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It can increase your event’s exposure and ensure you’re properly tagged.

Networking Features

No matter how big or small the event, networking is an integral part of it. Networking within the app allows people to make new connections easily. Upload your photo so people can put a face to your name. 

You can have one-on-one conversations or participate in group discussions within the app. If your event app uses AI technologies, you might even try matching users based on their profiles. Using FLOOR’s ‘Smart Matchmaking’ feature, you can help people find each other based on similar backgrounds, roles, and locations.


Engaging your audience through friendly competition is the most effective way to increase engagement. With gamification features, you can turn your event into a competition. When users complete actions such as checking in, visiting vendors or attending sessions, they earn points.

The points they earn can be redeemed for prizes, discounts, or special event privileges. There are endless possibilities!

Live Chat

Apps that facilitate live chats between attendees, presenters, and brands are available in some event apps. 

Connecting with users before, during, and after sessions and other events is possible. A live chat function can greatly enhance networking when combined with other features, like social media integration.


Engagement is key to the success of your event. Engage your audience quickly and easily with polling features. Users can register their answers to a poll on the event app’s home page with a simple tap. 

The poll results can be shared on the spot or announced later during the event. You can have a separate poll for each day of the event or even for each session.


Event organizers can use interactive quizzes to boost engagement, similar to polls. A quiz can be linked to a specific session or the event as a whole. You can add value to your event by “quizzing” users on important topics.

A quiz lets attendees discover the best way to spend their time if they have many session options.


Q&A sessions are a great opportunity for live event attendees to interact with speakers. But what if someone is a remote participant or if they are attending a different session? 

Everyone can participate in a Q&A feature or at least listen to what other attendees ask. It is possible to submit questions to presenters before or after the session.

Event Sponsor Directories

Event apps can help boost sponsors’ recognition if sponsors fund your event. Your event app can easily create a directory that helps sponsors get exposure at events. 

It is also possible to link each sponsor’s listing to their website or a special landing page, thus increasing their value.

Post-event Surveys

A post-event marketing campaign is your last chance to impress your attendees. The process can be made more seamless with event apps. You can send a quick survey to your attendees through the app in just a few clicks!


­FLOOR provides an all-in-one space for users to build, grow, and manage their community to encourage meaningful engagement. 

You can leverage the powerful features offered by the web-based community solution to:

  • Host engaging discussions, live streams, chats, and more with powerful social tools.
  • Customize features and look-n-feel as per your community requirements.
  • Keep your members informed by reaching out to them wherever they are.
  • Leverage more monetization from advertising and sponsored content.
  • Gain crucial insights into your community member’s activities to make informed decisions.
  • Event Analytics

You can track your performance with engagement collected through the app. 

Discover the most engaged attendees, features that made an impact, and the content that resonated with your audience at a glance. Take advantage of these insights to improve your shortcomings and build on your strengths.


The potential of web-based event apps to transform the event experience is tremendous and largely untapped. Our approach to building, deploying, and managing event apps is changing as we usher out the first generation of event apps. 

Event apps available via the web can technically compete with native apps available in app stores. End users benefit from effort savings, while organizers benefit from lower costs. Your event app ends up with more users as you save time and money. That’s not surprising! 

Getting started via URL is a much simpler solution than installing a cumbersome app for a relatively short-term event.