Increasing event attendance and proving the ROI is both a goal and a top stressor for event organizers. After weeks and months of hard work to put the event together, a massive attendance is a huge validation.

It’s an incredible feat to accomplish when juggling so many things in the event planning process. 

Event Marketing lies at the very core of the success of an event. Unless you put some thought behind your event marketing strategy, chances are the footfall will be meager, if at all. This holds true for both online and offline events.

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What Is Event Marketing?

Event marketing is a process of promoting your event to your target audience using a variety of marketing channels. It involves reaching your target audience with your event and converting them into attendees. 

The event planning industry is becoming increasingly competitive. According to Allied Market Research, the global event industry will continue to grow at an annual rate of 11.2% through 2028. 

As more and more competitors enter the market, it has become more challenging for event organizers to stand out. Here event marketing comes to the rescue of organizers. With an effective event marketing strategy, you cannot only differentiate your event from your competitors but also target your target audience across multiple marketing channels simultaneously and increase event attendance. 

A successful event marketing plan can provide the following benefits:

Build brand awareness and affinity: According to Visme, 74% of event attendees say they think more favorably of a company after their marketing event.

Drive lead generation: Marketers can expand their database of leads by holding a physical or virtual event and converting attendees into loyal customers. Even if an attendee doesn’t convert at the event, you can nurture them through the sales process afterward.

Increase attendee engagement: Engaging and interacting with event attendees in real-time provides an excellent opportunity to build deeper customer relationships.

Boost event revenue: A more actively promoted event will result in higher ticket sales and a higher return on investment. It has been reported that 83% of brands have experienced consistent sales increases from event marketing.

In light of these many advantages, it’s no surprise that more than half of marketers agree that event marketing is the most valuable. Thus, marketing and promotion are vital to the event planning process.

Top 10 Event Marketing Tips to Increase Event Attendance

An effective event marketing strategy begins with knowing and understanding your target audience. The following are ten event marketing tips you should use to increase attendance and keep stakeholders pleased at your next event. 

1. Offer Early Bird Registration

It is a great idea to offer early bird registration for your events. Incentives will motivate your audience to register early for your event.

You will also learn how to continue promoting the event. Are people interested? Are there any objections they have? How effective is your current marketing strategy?

You can gauge your audience’s interest and marketing tactics with early bird registration. Additionally, it encourages people to purchase their tickets as soon as possible to take advantage of the discount.

2. Engage Influencers

Engage influential leaders as speakers and emcees at your events. Offer your guests a complimentary pass if you cannot offer a speaking role. There is no need for your target audience to be a celebrity, CEO, or household name to influence your brand; micro-influencers with a strong following who are active with your target audience can be extremely valuable.

3. Invest In An Event Management Platform 

Event management tools simplify the planning and promotion of events. By creating an event listing page, you can provide attendees with details about your event and allow them to register and express interest. An event listing can be created for tradeshows, conferences, public and private workshops, etc. 

You can connect with your target audience and increase the reach of your campaign with the latest tech-enabled event management tools.  Choosing the right planning tool depends on your needs. 

With 10times, the largest event listing platform in the world, you can find and connect with potential exhibitors for your event. This tool makes it easy for your target audience to discover your event seamlessly. 

10times can be an ideal option, given its cost-effective pricing and flexibility in planning and promoting your event. 

4. Share On Social Media

Use social media to promote your event and tag all participants on social media, including speakers, sponsors, hosts, the planning committee, board, staff, and even registered attendees. Use event-specific hashtags, along with general hashtags, to reach people who might be interested in your event.

Whenever possible, contact people on LinkedIn personally, especially if the event is business-related. You can use LinkedIn’s search function to find your first-degree connections closest to your event and invite them. Additionally, connect with new LinkedIn contacts and engage in relevant LinkedIn groups.

5. Leverage Your Email List

Email marketing is an essential tool for business events. Send out an email newsletter and newsletters announcing your event. If you have the information on past attendees, invite them back as far as you can. For new or niche events, it’s okay to email your entire list and encourages them to nominate someone or forward the event to a friend or colleague they know who would be interested.

The most important thing is to send out personalized invitations to at least five contacts, along with the event information. 

It would be best if you asked your planning committee, teammates, sponsors, and speakers to do the same. Include a way for newcomers to subscribe to your email list on your website.

6. Use Retargeting 

If someone visits your website but doesn’t register for your event, you can safely assume that they are a qualified lead. They were interested in your event but didn’t register when they visited. This may result in a successful registration in the future. 

Digital marketers use retargeting ads to follow people worldwide as they visit different websites. If you want to keep brand awareness top-of-mind, you can show ads to visitors who didn’t register.  

It is an inexpensive and powerful marketing tool that is easy to set up and manage. It is also a great ROI promotional tool to increase the number of attendees for your hybrid event. You can also use your email list to follow up with searchers who have expressed interest but have yet to register. 

7. Create Infographics

Infographics are a great way to convey complex information in an easy-to-digest format. You can use an infographic to illustrate why your event topic matters and why people should attend.

Don’t overdo the self-promotion, however. First and foremost, you should make sure that your infographic is informative.

8. Increase Media Exposure

Media and industry partners can be used to promote events and increase attendance. Getting coverage in all relevant sources increases the likelihood of people attending an event. Event planners can submit details of their event to the local press, associations, Chambers of Commerce, etc. to ensure maximum exposure.

9. Promote Limited-time Offers

Nothing motivates people to finally enter their credit card information to confirm their ticket and space like a limited offer (that will soon be lost). Make sure you make the offer sound enticing and clarify that the offer will end after a specific date and time. The fear of missing out and the sense of urgency will help drive sales.

10. Create An Event Community

It is definitely a good idea to use social media to promote upcoming events as well as showcase past events. Use your hashtag to create a more engaged event community by monitoring social media and engaging with those discussing it.

Provide a space for people to meet, network, and develop relationships that can last beyond the individual events you organize.

Boost Your Event With 10Times


A well-executed event marketing strategy will help your business or nonprofit gain momentum before and after the event. Show people that you are focused on their needs and priorities and will do everything you can to provide what you can.

Take advantage of these event promotion strategies to make your next event successful.