PixelVerse Airdrop Giveaway prize pool is worth $10,000 in $PIXEL tokens to be distributed among 100 lucky winners.

About PixelVerse

PixelVerse is a cross-chain NFT marketplace that allows users to mint and Trade NFTs on any public, integrated blockchain, unlike the current marketplaces which are limited to certain chains like Ethereum, Polygon, etc. PixelVerse is also building a Metaverse platform that interacts with its cross-chain marketplace. Users can use $PIXEL for governance, payments, mining, and farming.

How to join the PixelVerse ?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


PixelVerse banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''PixelVerse Airdrop''

  1. Login to the PixelVerse Airdrop Gleam page.
  2. Join PixelVerse on Telegram Channel & Group.
  3. Follow @PixelVerse1 on Twitter & View this Tweet.
  4. Retweet and tag $pixelverse under the OKEx Tweet.
  5. Compose a tweet about PixelVerse with hashtags #Pixelverse #NFTs #metavere #pixeldefi.
  6. Submit your BSC wallet address and details to the Gleam page.

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