Argon Games Airdrop is worth 307 $ARGN tokens (~$ 20) each to 425 lucky random participants & 30 $ARGN tokens (~$ 2) for each referral.

About Argon Games

Argon Games' mission is to combine the modern gaming industry with cryptocurrency. In order for gamers not to experience the inconveniences posed by the fiat money system, the project provides a unique service for buying games from leading gaming companies such as Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Bethesda Softworks, etc. for cryptocurrency. In particular, the $ARGN token will give huge advantages such as the right to buy games and NFTs with discounts, participate in sweepstakes, games airdrops and much more.

Argon will not limit itself to a Marketplace and, to a second extent, will develop a launchpad ecosystem offering support options to projects such as incubation, or Marketing, with the following integration into the Metaverse.

How to join the Argon Games ?

Total Airdrop Allocation$10,000 worth of ARGN tokens
Airdrop End Date24 December, 2021
Airdrop Distribution24 December, 2021


Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Argon Games banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Argon Games Airdrop''

  1. Start the Argon Games Airdrop Telegram Bot.
  2. Join Argon Games Telegram Group & Channel.
  3. Follow @Argon_Games_ on Twitter & Like 5 posts.
  4. Like, Retweet pinned post & @tag 3 friends.
  5. Submit your BSC wallet address and details to the Bot.
  6. Participants with +5 referrals will have x1.5 chances to win & The top 50 referrers will receive 460 $ARGN tokens each (~$ 30)​​​.

Like and comment below if you like the Argon Games Airdrop! 


Note: This Airdrop is labelled with the ''Unverified'' label because the team info is limited & Smart contracts have not been audited yet!