About Vortix

MySAFE® is nothing but an Incorruptible Vault for Valuable Encrypted Digital Documents or Files of any kind, stored, protected, completely anonymous and confidentially secured under the Block Chain technology, with different security layers and several specific functions, which allows to share, total or partial transfer, untraceable, and unless for the one who is the holder of the key or keys, depending on the grade, impossible to open, impossible to read, impossible to know its content, and fully scalable up to the possibility to read and burn or just burn. With the intention to make it short, but at the same time with all necessary information you may need regarding our product and our token crowd fund sale, this white paper intend to contain the necessary information to understand product, initial project idea, technologies involved and business model. At the moment, all what is developed or under development on the block chain or using it, to our understanding, lacks the proper definition of product, either digital or virtual, what you see on the block chain, are digital currencies denominated like cryptocurrencies or altcoins, some intermediary services in between parties, basic games or other kind of so called “collectibles” of dubious performance where, under the umbrella of block chain platforms basically give in your property ...really nothing, it is just another way to speculate imaging those incredible wins made by bitcoin in the past, bust as far as the technology evolves and more players get into it too, the market, and all markets in fact, tend to stabilize by nature, making those potential wins, everyday more difficult. There will be some, for sure, but for real value assets. In coins, market will tend to put all of them on its real place, some will remain and be worthy, others… will for sure not


MySafe is one out of several products and services which will be all integrated under the same Ecosystem, sharing space, usability and giving added value one to another. The main features on MySafe are so complex as for describing but if there is something that define the usage and features, should be the graphic you can see at this link 

Technical Info

Solidity for Block Chain Interaction, 512 Encryption proprietary protocol for protect, dilution, and recovery, tunnel technology for sending/receiving from customer single app. Now use able in Mobile, Tab or Computer of anykind. Can command IoT devices