About Sansox

Our resources on Earth are not as abundant as it once was. It may be true to many that we go about our daily lives not thinking about it as it might not affect our lives directly. Yet. There is however clear evidence showing that if we do not act and do something about our water consumption the world will suffer a severe water deficit.

According to UNESCO, 90% of all wastewater in developing countries is dumped, untreated straight into the ecosystem causing major environmental and health risks.

For years, Sansox has made it their life mission, to ensure that treated water and access to clean drinking water for all people in the world becomes a reality. We invested heavily in award winning technologies that enable communities to treat their water and have done so with pride. Unfortunately, having award winning technologies is not enough these days.

To receive financing for projects of this sort is very challenging nowadays due to several factors like political pressures, centralised banking structures and potential geographical risks. Even though the market has massive potential, the knowledge regarding the existence of these technologies seem to pass relatively unseen by local communities. This usually stems from the fact that politicians and other public institutions are tied financially due to low budgets and little knowledge.

This is where we believe in the Blockchain technology and its community. We believe that in such cases where a centralised system interferes with the greater good of the people, people should have the chance to take matters into their own hands. A decentralised system can give us all the power to change the way in which water is treated and distributed, in all areas of the world and in all walks of life. Most importantly it’s all about doing so in an affordable and environmentally friendly way.

Sansox Roadmap

  • 2017

  • Sansox develops and betters their products which are ready for use and implementation.
    Plans for infrastructure overseas in place.
  • 2019

  • Fundraising.
    Sansox plans for ICO, implements a token structure and Blockchain strategy. 2 week Pre-Sale set for 27.08.2018. Regular ICO to run for 6 weeks
  • 2020

  • Global expansion.
    TARGET: 50 countries using Sansox technologies worldwide.
    Global Partnerships in place. Stable token ecosystem.Token implementation and project start
    Sansox to launch first major projects in 3 continents with funding acquired during ICO.
    Subsidiaries in place and service sales begins.
    Portion of Aqua Tokens released to NGOs and housing associations.