About Cryptoscene

Due to the given circumstances surrounding Ethereum and issues around ERC-20, we have decided to deploy our NTP1 token on the Neblio platform, known specifically for its usability for developers and enterprises. As you might have heard, it was recently confirmed that the bug, called BatchOverFlow, was allowing malicious parties to “generate an extremely large amount of tokens, and deposit them into a normal address.” We want to take every precaution we can to sustain a long-term project and after extensive research towards different platforms, we believe Neblio is the way to do so. Neblio is an enterprise blockchain and their goal is to have companies implement their own blockchain internally. Which is easy thanks to the NPT1 token and the various popular programming languages compatible with Neblio. Unlike most blockchains that come with their proprietary language, Neblio offers languages including Python, Java, Javascript.NET, C#, Objective-C, Node.JS, Go, Ruby, and PHP, while Ethereum can only be programmed with Solidity. As a result, Neblio is much more adaptable to new developers and will allow for much quicker development.

Cryptoscene Roadmap

  • Publish magazine - End July / Early August

  • Magazine goes to the publisher RAN media for printing.