Ōverline NFT Drop is worth 1 Free ōLand NFTs for every participant that sign-up during the countdown. Free to Claim, Earns Crypto & Tradeable!

About Ōverline

Overline is a people-owned decentralized wireless network that does to telecommunications what Bitcoin did to banking, a multichain protocol to execute transactions between blockchains WIRELESSLY without cellular service or the internet in general.

Overline's custom-made hardware allows users to access DeFi, NFTs, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and any chain. A limited number of Founders Edition ōRouters are available for preorder. The world's first Web3 Router. Generate passive income and provide Web3 connectivity to your community. Earn, trade, and communicate wirelessly. No internet? No problem.

Emblems ($EMB) are one of two coins native to the Overline network. They provide miners with synthetic mining power through staking.

How to join the Ōverline ?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Ōverline banner

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Ōverline NFT Drop''

  1. Head to the Ōverline NFT Drop page.
  2. Sign up now to claim your free ōLand NFTōLand is an NFT that represents 1.67 Acres of land in the real world, as well as digital real estate within Overline's wireless metaverse.
  3. Verify your email address. You are now officially a landowner in Overline's wireless metaverse and a member of the Overline DAO. Congratulations!
  4. Get more ōLand by sharing your referral link. For every friend that signs up using your link, you both get another ōLand NFT.

▪️ ōLand location and attributes will be revealed after the countdown. Overline is 100% mined by computers there is no "premine". Mine Overline on your computer in 3 steps. As blocks are mined, that number will increase until it reaches 9.8 Billion, the fixed amount of mineable Overline. 2 $OL are awarded per block however, Miners who own $EMB are awarded more $OL.


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