Apricot Finance has announced on telegram their intention to retroactively reward the early mainnet users with Free $APR tokens.. 

About Apricot Finance

Apricot Finance is a next-gen lending protocol that supports leveraged yield farming on Solana on the mission to help users maximize yield while protecting their downsides.

Apricot Finance is thrilled to announce their support for Wormhole-wrapped USTw as collateral under Lend, as well as for the Saber USTw-USDC pool under X-Farm!

How to join the Apricot Finance Airdrop?



Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Apricot Finance banner

Native blockchain


Step-by-Step Guide ''Apricot Finance Airdrop''

  1. Visit the Apricot Finance Airdrop app.
  2. Connect your Solana wallet. When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!
  3. By "early" mainnet users, Apricot Finance means users that Lend & Borrow on Apricot.one app platform before TGE.
  4. To the most enthusiastic supporters, there's still a chance to get Whitelisted. The Public Sale is Coming!

Like and comment below if you like the Apricot Finance Airdrop for Early mainnet users!


Note: This Airdrop is labelled with the ''Unverified'' label as it is still in its early stages!


When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!