V2X Public Testnet is Live! Try it out for a chance to become eligible for a possible future Retroactive Airdrop! 

About V2X

V2X is a Decentralized Perpetual Exchange on Arbitrum, developed by a team of DeFi believers whose goal is to create an effective replacement for centralized entities that negate the sustainability of the Crypto Market to protect users' assets from being exploited by the nontransparent and fragile structure of CEXs such as FTX. 

The mainnet launch will be around Q1 2023. Traders won't have to sell or pay reserves (assets) they own to open positions, but only have to "deposit" them as collaterals. Deposited collaterals will preserve unless users’ positions are liquidated due to loss. All profits or losses are charged in USD.

Up to 20x leverage is initially supported on the trader side and will be increasing. V2X has created its own AMM called concrete AMM. Thanks to the nature of this concept which entails price impacts, neither price manipulation nor earning any risk-free profits from the protocol will be possible.

How to join the V2X - Testnet Airdrop?

Requirements to earn free crypto coins

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''V2X Testnet''

  1. Head to the V2X Testnet platform.
  2. Connect your Metamask wallet & Switch to the Arbitrum Goerli network. 
  3. Claim ETH Goerli Test tokens (Tutorial) & Use the Arbitrum Bridge to transfer some to the Arbitrum Goerli network.
  4. Click on "Get mock-USD for trading" to get 10,000 $Mock USD. You can claim only once. 
  5. Start testing the platform by making various trades (V2X User Tutorial).