ICURY is a token to decentralize Icecat’s existing global product content syndication network, which already facilitates 13 billion downloads per year by tens of thousands of e-commerce companies. Icecat, a listed company in The Netherlands and exploiting a unique open content catalog, wants to use the token as pre-pay for its services at a minimum value.

ICURY is airdropping 62.5 ICY tokens to their community members. Sign up at their website, submit your details and complete your profile, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive 62.5 ICY tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Icecat website.
  2. Sign up, verify your mail and complete your profile. (You should complete your profile by including a profile image and also provide links to all of your real social media profiles and other relevant information)
  3. Join their ICURY group after signing up. (Mandatory)
  4. Share this airdrop post on any of your social media accounts and post the link to that post in this ICURY group. (You should have a minimum of 100 followers or connections)
  5. Submit your details to this airdrop form.
  6. You will receive 62.5 ICY tokens.

For more information about the airdrop, visit this official airdrop announcement.

Don't forget to join our Telegram channel, follow us on Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!


 Telegram required

  •  Join group