Connect Financial is the first true cryptocurrency Visa Credit Card. Once you deposit cryptocurrency into your Connect Finance account you will be extended a line of credit. This allows you to keep holding your crypto, whilst enabling you to spend freely with your card. The Connect Finance token ($CNFI) is designed to be a high utility token and is the center of the Connect Finance ecosystem. Users are incentivized to stake their tokens which opens up the doorway to Connect Finance rewards system.

Connect Financial will be airdropping their new governance token “CNFD” to CNFI stakers. A snapshot will be taken on July 1st, 2021, at 8 pm PST. Stake a minimum of 5,000 CNFI by the snapshot time to be eligible for the airdrop.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Hold and stake a minimum of 5,000 CNFI to be eligible for the airdrop.
  2. A snapshot will be taken on July 1st, 2021, at 8 pm PST.
  3. A total of 5% of the total supply will be distributed to eligible stakers.
  4. The rewards will be distributed immediately after the snapshot.