Saddle Finance is a decentralized automated market maker (AMM) on the Ethereum blockchain, optimized for trading pegged value crypto assets with minimal slippage. Saddle enables cheap, efficient, swift, and low-slippage swaps for traders and high-yield pools for LPs.

As already suspected in our speculative airdrop overview, Saddle Finance is airdropping a total of 150,000,000 SDL to early users of the platform. Eligible users can claim the tokens now but it will be non-transferable for a period of between 3 to 12 months.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Saddle Finance airdrop claim page.
  2. Connect your ETH wallet.
  3. Historical LPs, veCRV Holders, any address that called Saddle contracts, multisig signers and early depositors are eligible to claim the airdrop.
  4. The tokens are non-transferable for a period of between 3 to 12 months.