Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has announced the creation of a blind Bitcoin 


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 development trust worth 500 BTC ($23.7 million), along with rapper Jay-Z, for teams working on the project in India and Africa.

Dorsey revealed the creation of the trust on Feb. 12 while sending out a call for three board members to oversee the blind trust initially.

Dubbed the ₿Trust, the application form for board members reveals the mission statement, “Make Bitcoin the internet’s currency."


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The Twitter CEO’s tweet appeared just hours after news broke concerning India’s alleged plans to completely ban the use of cryptocurrencies within its borders. The world’s second-most populated country could soon move to ban all crypto-assets, giving users a 3–6 month grace period to liquidate their holdings, according to an anonymous source who spoke to Bloomberg.

On Feb. 10, Jack Dorsey donated $1 million to the Washington D.C-based nonprofit organization Coin Center which also received a $2 million donation from asset management firm Grayscale. Dorsey’s ongoing infatuation with Bitcoin recently saw him set up a Bitcoin full-node from his Macbook, meaning he now has a hand in verifying the Bitcoin blockchain.